Friday, April 13, 2012

The Turtles Times!

Look Meg Turtles!

Huh Turtles?!?!?!? Ok Lisa you have  lost it!!!!
Just follow you will get it and roll laughting like I did!!!

Have you ever heard a song on the radio you really like and then you find out that the lyrics you know are wrong!! I'm shocked!!!! (Insert shocked look here LOL)
My kiddo keeps me in stitches just like I do for my mom.
We were going to the mall and listening to the radio. Katy Perry's "The one that got away." Came on. Now here is the actual line! "And on my 18th birthday we got that chain tattoos!"

Now, my darling kiddo did not hear tattoos.... Nope she looks at me and states that for an 18th birthday present why would you get a turtle?!?!?!!?

ROFLMAO! I bout fell out of the car. Hmmmm, and I have the hearing problem!!!
Gods I love her.

Good thing I do!! Cause we have moved into the world of independent study!! Nooooo we did not donate ourselves to science!! (Although growing up my bone doctor loved to show me off cause I was rare!! You all should be thankful for that!!!!)
No Megan is in a great program call New Directions. Now this isn't home school, this is a program that let's the kids do all their work at home and still test once a week with a teacher at school. They still get all their credits. This is awesome due to the fact with my recent incarceration in the hospital for my Crohn's and other teenage issues her grades have slipped.

School is hard enough without me getting sick.

Oh pain meds kicked in!!

Oh dear the hospital Chronicles. So quick back story, in 2008 I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and for the most part had been in remission until my divorce. So since about 2010 I unfortunately able to get my meds and not go to the dr. I know I know! I should know better but!!!!

So any who, double over in pain and thought I was dying off to the E.R. we went. I was locked down for 8 days. Five of those days I was bed bound. Ugh!!!! For a few days I had what was called a trapeze bar above me. This is used to help you sit up and what not. I really didn't need it. So I was teasing my nurse that I thought I would try my new trapeze act and would try to be good. Well 5 mins later they took my toy!!! Pout! I never get to have fun.......

Ohhhhh Someone loves me!!!!!

Yepp! I'm loved!! Rorry kept me sane with shampoo, jammies and flowers!!! But the best was my sockmonkey slippers to go home in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my Rorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am thrilled to be home and I get to spend time with my favorite girl. Hmmm wander what trouble we could get into!!! Hehehehe.

I mean err... ummm... K

Well I'm off to feed my inner geek with my World of Warcraft. Aww the life of a Geek monkey!!

Next episode: Squeaks, Beagles, and Huskadorks!!  I live in a Zoo!!!


  1. Yay for a Lisa blog!!!! Love the turtles. I would've loved a turtle for my 18th birthday. :P

    1. LOL I would too!!!! And I took off the stupid captcha thingie!!! Hugs!!!

  2. Oh - you should disable the comment captcha thingee, it's super annoying and can screw up comments sometimes. ;)
