Saturday, May 26, 2012

Prom Piranhas and Fried Monkey Brains!!!

Awww what a pretty girl!! And Meg looks good too! LOL

OK so alot has happened since my last batch of rambling. The big one as you can guess was prom!!! Yes my darling little piranha went with her main geek! They looked sooooo cute... we will get there in a bit...

So around the house has been the usual you know sleeping, video games, and and of course amuckness!

 Shhhh no waking sleeping piranhas!
 Me OK not me but my character... I'm a sexy beef!!!
Just call me Heidi!!! Yodel le he whoooooooooooOoo!!!!!!

See what happens when we are left to our own devices... Like going to zoo.... We had fun... We saw animals!!! We got to commune with nature because really they don't let me do that any other way!!!
Plus I don't know what is more fun the animals or the people!!

 Ahhhh look a family reunion!

 Megan why are you holding Sean's snake!!!!!!!

 Who needs all this planking or parkor.... I have invented the flamingo!

 Yes I had to feed the animals!!

And this is what happens when you keep a nerd in the sunlight too long!!!

We had a blast. But then is was home to sleep!! and Aloe! hmmm white girl meets sun... bad combo! Owwwwwwwweeee!

So your probably wondering what do I mean by fried monkey brains beside this post????
Well, I learned that my laptop is not thirsty and it does do so well when you give it tea!
*insert DOH! here*

Yeah... I cried.. and when I did it I did it good... AND guess who does have your a clutz insurance!!!! Yeppp the monkey on the keyboard!!! DUH!!!!!!

So off to Dell I go... and order my new laptop!! and let me tell you it was murder... I thought I was going to have to hurt someone if I didn't have my computer back!!!!I have things to do... Like game, read celebartiy news, watch you tube!!!! FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!

Geesh what do you think I should do go outside?!?!?!?!!?
*See above mentioned white girl plus sun!*

So Back to my Prom piranha. Ahhh you got to love getting ready.. The hair the makeup and of course the dress.....Welcome to Sockmonkey beauty salon and cafeteria!!!

 Aunt Laurie proving me wrong that her hair wouldn't curl!

 And that is how Meg feels.

 But Dang she looks good!!!!
Thank you Auntie!!!!

They had a blast. It was a masquerade too they made masks. It was awesome! My baby!!!!!

Its all good though, she is doing really well in her home program and will actually go on summer break after Tuesday!!!

Funny how she will finish school for a bit and I will start school!
I don't know what I was think but I decided  that I dont know what I want to be when I grow up so I decided I wanted to play with hair and makeup!!1

Yep Yep I'm going to Cosmotology school!!! Yepp over the next year I will be playing with hair!!!


Maybe I can get a job that appreciates something with a personality.
And not tell me to tone it down!

I can even have crazy hair!! I love it!!!!

Look I have two clients that can complain already!!! and then just  shove them in their case when I'm done!!!!

And of course I have Megan too!!!!!

Ohhhh this will be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!

Look out world cause here I come again!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I loved all the pictures! Sounds like the zoo and prom was a blast. Congrats on school!
